Next Level Leadership:
A Virtual FTG Event!


Wednesday October 21, 2020
6:00pm-9:00pm EDT

We all have challenges and areas of improvement when it comes to our professional growth. If you are a leader or you have ambitions of getting to the next level in your career, this is the event for you.

Spend a virtual evening learning from professional coaches, Marnee Bruno, Robin Lacambra, and Shilbee Kim, with a special opening address by Emily O’Brien, founder of Comeback Snacks. You’ll also have the opportunity to network with fellow would-be and current leaders.


Emily O’Brien: Opening Address


Emily O’Brien is the founder of Comeback Snacks popcorn company. It all started when she went to prison. Before, Emily was an entrepreneur and social media professional, having created her own firm at a young age and enjoyed great success. Regrettably, addiction caused her to make some poor choices that culminated in a four-year jail term.

As her sentence began, Emily made it her mission to transform herself, get clean, and make a positive difference during her term. “I didn’t know how I’d make a difference at the time,” says Emily, “but I knew I would find something I cared about that would benefit from a purpose-driven facelift.”

Thus, Comeback Snacks (formerly known as Cons and Kernels)was born.

Upon her release, Emily made a decision to start a popcorn company that used high quality, health-conscious ingredients to create unique flavours inspired by the ones she found in prison. A fun, self-deprecating brand that would also help remove the stigma around people who had prior convictions and provide newly-released offenders with the chance at a fresh start through training, empowerment, and education. 

Marnee Bruno: Your Voice Work

How to bring your authentic voice to the table and ideas into the world.
Join Leadership expert Marnee Bruno to demystify the meaning of leadership and learn how to stand for what matters in life and business. Learn the importance of both connecting with and using your authentic voice in a way that people can hear and bring more and improved results to what matters most. In these times of uncertainty and complexity, conscious leadership is the most critical competency to develop to help navigate these unchartered waters. 

About Marnee: An expert in cultivating authentic voice and conscious leadership, Marnee is a former Vice-President of a global corporation with 23+ years as a marketing leader. She has experience with start-ups, digital-first organizations, and agen…

About Marnee: An expert in cultivating authentic voice and conscious leadership, Marnee is a former Vice-President of a global corporation with 23+ years as a marketing leader. She has experience with start-ups, digital-first organizations, and agencies as well as some of the world’s most recognized and profitable brands. A professionally trained coach with 15 years of experience, Marnee works with visionary people and organizations who value and invest in individual and collective leadership development. Her clients see that unlocking, promoting and developing human potential is their greatest strategic business and life advantage. She is a graduate of the University of Ottawa, CUG, Member of ICF, and a Certified Leadership Circle Profile and Collective Leadership Assessment Practitioner. Together with her husband, Massimo Bruno and daughter Francesca, Marnee divides her time between Canada and Italy.

Robin Lacambra: Empowered Embodiment

If you are alive, you are a leader. This talk explores three components in enacting your leadership and agency in a way that serves self and community.

Ego as Ally: Recruit your ego as an ally, rather than allow your inner critic to keep you small and action-less. Explore strategies to play on your own team.

Body as Resource: Acknowledge bodies as the site of trauma and politics - current, intergenerational, ancestral. Reclaim your container - it’s not capitalism's or patriarchy's. 

Ambition + Action as Service: Anchor your ambition by waking up from separateness. Can our ambition be connected back to the collective? Can our ambition honour personal pace? This ties back into using our body as a resource. And finally, can our ambition re-consider profit? Can we share our privilege and resources?

About Robin: Robin Lacambra is the founder of GOODBODYFEEL Movement Studio and host of the Empowered Embodiment Podcast. She describes her work as being an empowered embodiment educator - blending practices like Pilates, yoga and mindfulness and sha…

About Robin: Robin Lacambra is the founder of GOODBODYFEEL Movement Studio and host of the Empowered Embodiment Podcast. She describes her work as being an empowered embodiment educator - blending practices like Pilates, yoga and mindfulness and sharing them from anti-oppression, trauma aware and eating disorder informed frameworks. Robin is also a somatic coach, social justice advocate and eager student of diverse movement practices. Her aim as an empowered embodiment educator is to help facilitate others to move mindfully and feel good in their bodies as well as recognize the intersection of physical practice and social justice, self care for community care.

Robin believes in finding a balance between being a for-profit small business that centers socialist values, by experimenting with sliding scale pricing, service exchange and bursaries for marginalized communities. Robin’s passion is creating and strengthening bridges between different industries and social causes. There is always an intersection worth exploring, uplifting and sharing. She created the Sharing Privilege workshop and workbook, exploring how we can sustainably share our individual privilege to create more access and abundance for more people. She also offers lectures on Movement for All Bodies: Language and Sequencing, and Anchored Ambition: How to grow a career while reducing harm to self, others, and the planet.

Shilbee Kim: Finding One’s Passion

Are you feeling stuck and want to clarify your passion and purpose so you can have a more positive impact in the workplace and/or in society?

This passion session will use storytelling, case studies, and play to explore our personal and professional passions. We’ll reflect on body tells for what makes us feel alive and co-develop hacks to flame our passions. Everyone will leave the session with an ancient Japanese framework called ikigai, your reason for being, to begin mapping out where your passions intersect with your purpose, which the world needs and is willing to pay for.

Everyone has the right to explore and express our passions but we face different structural, interpersonal and internalized barriers. Yet passion is universal. It’s an energy that is powerful enough to heal, motivate, and fuel us. Passion can also spark social movements and create systems change when harnessed for collective good. With this awareness, we will tap into our passions so we can individually live our purpose and collectively shift systems to benefit all.

About Shilbee: Shilbee Kim is Innoweave’s social enterprise and passion coach who supports leaders in clarifying their passions, leadership approaches and/or business models that align with their values around equity, sustainability and collaboratio…

About Shilbee: Shilbee Kim is Innoweave’s social enterprise and passion coach who supports leaders in clarifying their passions, leadership approaches and/or business models that align with their values around equity, sustainability and collaboration. She is also the Workstream Manager, Entrepreneurship Policy at the Brookfield Institute for Innovation + Entrepreneurship contributing to building a more inclusive and resilient economy in Canada. For more information:

Your ticket grants you access to all three of these interactive sessions, as well as a breakout networking session to close the night.

And as always, all proceeds go to the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic, which offers legal representation, professional counselling, and multilingual interpretation to women who have experienced abuse. See more about the type of work they do in the video below:


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